Want to register for the 2025 Dallas Days parade?

We've got you covered!

Registration and all the information is available on Eventeny:  Dallas Days Parade - Dallas Days 2025 - Eventeny

Any questions? Let us know! [email protected]

Our theme this year is "Dallas in Wonderland." Want to sponsor a trophy? It's going to be so fun! See below.

We have six categories available for trophy sponsors. As a trophy sponsor, your business or organization name will be engraved on the trophy and you are invited to be part of the judging panel for the parade. Photos will be taken and published on the website, in the newsletter and on social media of the winners with their trophies that will include the judges and the sponsoring businesses. Trophy sponsorships range $250-$500 (see below).

1. The Dallas Days Parade 2025 Grand Champion (one sponsorship available): $500

The best overall entry in every category. #1. The finest. The top choice. The cream of the crop! The big trophy!

2. The Wonderland Awards (two sponsorships available):  $250 each

Our awards representing best use of the theme in two separate categories:


Commercial floats

3. The Down the Rabbit Hole Award (one sponsorship available): $250

Best decorated mode of transportation

(this could include classic cars, horses, giant semis...)

4. The Which Path Do I Take Award (one sponsorship available):  $250 

Best walking entry

5. The Tea Party Award  (one sponsorship available): $250

 Judges' choice

Because these sponsorships are limited and there are specific categories, if you are interested in sponsoring a trophy category, please contact us directly at [email protected]

We will get your information, take down which category you want and the wording for the trophy. Then, we'll send you an invoice to verify all the information. Categories are first come, first served. Trophy sponsorships are due by June 1st.

Want to sponsor the parade? Fantastic!

We need you to make this community event amazing!

$300 Gold Sponsor: 

  • Large logo on promo materials for parade and recognition on website & social media

  • Reserved space for up to 10 people for parade
  • Verbal Recognition at announcer booth during parade

$200 Silver Sponsor:

  • Small logo on promo materials for parade and recognition on website & social media

  • Verbal Recognition at announcer booth during parade

$100 Bronze Sponsor:

  • Name on promo materials for parade and listed on website & social media

  • Verbal Recognition at announcer booth during parade

Sponsorships can be submitted electronically here or mailed in:

Make checks payable:

Dallas Downtown Association

Memo: Parade

PO Box 903 Dallas, OR 97338

Or submit credit card payment below:

Gold Sponsor - $300.00

Silver Sponsor - $200.00

Bronze Sponsor - $100.00

Want to volunteer for the parade?  YES! 

Just fill out the form and we'll get you on our email list for information.

If you can't make the parade meetings, no worries.